Monday, January 5, 2009


"Please put away your tea-set, it's time for bed. Pick up the toys from the living room, and then go brush your teeth. I'll be in there in just a minute to kiss you goodnight."

What anguish has befallen the children in this home!?!
It is a painful image, but for a moment just imagine having the person who connivingly shopped for, prepared and cooked all your meals for one full day, who laundered your clothes, tickled your back as directed, requested that you join her in prayer, took you to church before she would drive you to the destinations of your choice, located your lost hairbrush, read you stories and the newspaper, organized your upcoming birthday party and forced you write some of the invitations, and then assessed a "rash" you thought you might have on an unmentionable part of your anatomy, would actually require three whole tasks from you at the end of the day? Can you conceive the nightmare of having to be concerned with whether or not you were caught putting all the sugar you could pour into a 6 oz. cup of tea, and then racing to drink the syrupy contraband before it was seized by this dictator, and then being given an unfairly stern admonishment about the dangers of such wanton excesses? Then could you possibly fathom that this same person, while demanding that you finally conclude your day and "go to bed", would follow this despair with, of all things, lovingly sweet kisses from her lips?

Oh, perish the thought that your life would ever turn so vile! The poor children in this home have so much to endure. Please pray for them.

1 comment:

Don Gudeman said...

I can relate having reared five children and mildly helped homeschool two of them in Arizona. I am a Domestic Engineer seeking to leave the cave (women leave the nest, men leave the cave). Until then, I remain with my two teens and blog at Come visit and become a friend. Thanks.